...and I allowed my person to tag along.
The weather was overcast and rainy, and we weren't properly dressed for the occasion. We knew we would freeze if we weren't careful so we made sure not to linger in any one place for very long.
The roads were long and rather treacherous, but we braved them and soldiered on...
Soon we found a rickety dangerous bridge blocking our path and just as we were about to take a step forward to cross it, a terrible noise rang out from below. I turned to find a bridge troll rearing its ugly head from the dark shadows and he dared to demand the sacrifice of my person as a toll to cross his shabby little bridge!
I would do anything to protect my person from harm so with a snarl and a growl, I quickly gathered my courage, showed my hackles and chased the nasty troll up into a nearby tree. With the bridge now unprotected, we were free to cross in safety and so we continued into the vast lands that lay beyond.
After hours of travel we spotted a beautiful glen with a rushing river far in the distance. I was so thirsty from my battle with the troll that I decided to lead my person towards it in hopes that I could find a safe way down in order to drink from the fresh sparkling water within.
But once we drew close we found our path down blocked by a cliff and even though I tried to warn my person not to venture too close to it, a flock of birds flew overhead just then and made so much noise that she couldn't hear me. In one heart stopping moment, my person lost her footing and slipped over the edge!
I didn't think twice and jumped down after her because Mister the brave leaves no one behind!
Once I quenched my thirst with the clear water of the river, I realized we were trapped.
The cliff was far too steep to climb back up so I had to search for another way out...
My keen sense of smell told me it would be safest to travel along the river bank so I led my person on...
We traveled past the swollen banks of the raging water...
Until we happened upon a break, which we cautiously crossed.
But once we were on the other side, we found ourselves in a grassy swamp...
I tried to turn back and lead my person to safety, but it was too late!
The rain started to fall again and the river suddenly swelled, making it impossible to go back!
So on we were forced to go. This swamp was dark and gloomy, and I was cautious -sniffing out the dangerous dens of venomous snakes and monster crocodiles in order to avoid them with every step...
Eventually we reached the center of the swamp where we found a Great Black Lake. To our surprise, the surface reflected our distant homes like magic and as we drew closer, the wind began to whisper us falsehoods -beckoning us into its depths and promising us a way out.
But despite our weariness, we knew it was a trap. The lake was icy and cold and if we attempted to swim it, we knew we would be lost to this watery grave forever!
So I turned away...
...and lead my person back into the swamp to the riverbank in order to find another way out. Even though we wanted nothing more than to stop and rest, we knew we needed to escape before nightfall lest we be trapped forever so we continued to soldier on and on...
My tenacity paid off and soon I spotted a mountain, with giant boulders that reached high up into the sky.
It seemed impossible and my person had doubts we could make it, but I had confidence in us so I pushed her to begin the climb...
With every last ounce of strength we had, we made our ways to safety, then carefully retraced our steps to the empty troll bridge, where we crossed to find the long and winding paths we first took and continued on until we were safely back home...
The End.
Until the next adventure I choose to have...