Thursday, August 23, 2012

365 Project : Year 2, Days 3 - 7

Day 3

I've little say about this picture, I just liked the composition of it.

Day 4

I was testing the boundaries of how close my pink cam will go and I've found that while it will go very close before it begins to blur everything, how much clarity I get depends on the subject. It had a little trouble with this one, there was too many other things it wanted to focus in on and it took multiple attempts to get even one halfway decent shot.

Day 5

Originally I just wanted a shot of the broken glass... until I realized there was a month attempting to be stealthy on the faux candlestick. Not the clearest picture, but to be fair it took a lot just to get the camera to focus in on the contents over the very dirty (and very spotty) glass that it preferred xD

Day 6

I've already done a shot of Mister's paw prints in the clay, but not for the 365 project so I decided to have a go at it again. Her wickle feeters are too cute not to document.

Day 7

This moth was so patient with me as I got up in its grill attempting to get the closest shot of it that I could... until I accidentally bumped it with the lens when I got a little too close. It flew away just after this shot -haha

Previous days, including all of the ending to year one is up ->HERE


  1. Looking at the second pic again, I really like the vibrant greens. It's a great shot.
